Surveys That Work – the Rosenfeld Review Podcast

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The Rosenfeld Review podcast

It was a pleasure to be interviewed about my new book, Surveys That Work,  by my publisher Lou Rosenfeld.

We chatted for 32 minutes: Rosenfeld Review Podcast: Surveys That Work with Caroline Jarrett.

Tune in to hear us talking about:

  • why small Light Touch surveys are better than Big Honkin  surveys
  • helping clients and colleagues to understand that ‘research’ does not invariably mean ‘survey’
  • how my work on forms, and the concept of conversation, influenced my discovery of the literature on surveys
  • how to improve response rates by understanding the trust/effort/reward triangle
  • why I created the Survey Octopus to explain the core concept of Total Survey Error – essential to getting a robust statistic on which to base decision-making
  • why you might want to avoid grids in your questionnaire!

I was also glad of the opportunity to give a shout-out to Akil Benjamin’s wonderful initiative Mentor Black Business  – it’s been a pleasure to contribute to it.