Using and abusing surveys in customer onboarding – ebook chapter

front cover of The Customer Onboarding HandbookBadly thought-out forms and surveys can damage your organisation’s relationship with its customers at any stage. But a bad question in the onboading process can stop your customers from having any relationship with you at all.

That’s the theme of my chapter in the e-book The Customer Onboarding Handbook: How to Create Experiences that lead to Improved Long-Term Engagement, published by The CX Lead and edited by Oliver Lindberg.

In my chapter, I point out that your aims and your customers’ aims are not the same, and that every question has a cost to them and to you.

You need to be clear about why you’re asking and what decisions you will make based on the answers you get.

I also discuss the difference between forms questions and surveys questions, the value of ‘light touch surveys’ rather than asking everyone everything every time, the importance of testing everything, and the pitfalls of an industry favourite: the Net Promoter Score survey.

Bonus: the book also contains chapters by Emma Parnell, Chris How, Candi Williams, and Lauren Isaacson.

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