Surveys that work: a webinar for FocusVision

When FocusVision asked me to do my webinar about the Survey Octopus for their webinar series, I felt honoured and a little nervous. Would my ideas about surveys really be valuable to their audience of market research professionals, many of whom work on surveys all the time?

I need not have worried. Zoe Dowling made me feel welcome, and was a brilliant host – asking me some challenging questions that I hope I was able to answer in a useful way.

As with my previous webinar for UXPA, I focused on the Survey Octopus, my friendly way of talking about Total Survey Error. For a more thorough dive into creating better surveys my book is now available: Surveys That Work: a practical guide for designing and running better surveys. 

Thanks to Zoe Dowling for arranging and hosting the session.

View or download the presentation as a PDF: Surveys that work – webinar for FocusVision