Sometimes conferences are about getting lots of people together in big rooms, often over several days. UX Bristol isn’t like that. It’s one of the hottest tickets in the UK, selling out in minutes, because the organisers deliberately keep it small and (mostly) local. I’m always thrilled when I’m one of the lucky ones who gets to attend.
This year, they were again at the M-Shed, a convenient location in central Bristol that offers one slightly larger room and two smaller ones for sessions, and a handy breakout/networking area big enough for everyone to chat, to get their refreshments, and to learn from some sponsors.
I tried something that I haven’t previously done with this large an audience: a free-format forms studio where I started with a few slides to get us thinking, and we then dived into lively discussion of a form nominated by one of the attendees. It was fun.
Thanks to the organisers, attendees, and sponsors for another great conference.
#forms #formsthatwork