During my recent visit to the Czech Republic, Běla Beránková interviewed me on behalf of Lupa.cz – the country’s internet host. For the original Czech: Aby bylo jasno. Úředníci tu nejsou pro vládu, ale pro lidi My thanks to Lupa for permission toContinue reading… Government services are for people, not for the government
Tag: GDS
Designing better public services: LibDesign Conference 2016 Prague
To design better public services, we need to unite efforts from inside and outside the public sector – and many roles within it. LibDesign 2016 in Prague Last week in Prague, LibDesign 2016 brought together librarians, web designers, civil servants and academics toContinue reading… Designing better public services: LibDesign Conference 2016 Prague
Design patterns for government: a community not a library
The UK government now has several hundred designers working on services for citizens. How do we design at scale? This presentation to UXPA’s 2016 conference in Seattle describes some of methods and tools we are using to collaborate. Design Patterns for GovernmentContinue reading… Design patterns for government: a community not a library
Design at scale: building a design community
The following article, written with Tim Paul, first appeared in UX Magazine: Design at scale: Building a design community. It focuses on four design patterns we’d been working on for the GDS Service Manual: dates; display of error messages; gender andContinue reading… Design at scale: building a design community
My new favourite form. Really.
I have a new favourite form: HMRC’s Pay your self-assessment online. Enjoy! But maybe before you do, you’d like a little explanation? OK, I’ll back up a bit and explain. Making better forms isn’t easy I’m a forms specialist –Continue reading… My new favourite form. Really.
Discussion: Design for Everyone – at the Service Design in Government conference
How do we make our services available to everyone who needs to use them? A group of us at the Service Design in Government 2014 conference came together in a Goldfish Bowl group to talk about our personal and design challenges.Continue reading… Discussion: Design for Everyone – at the Service Design in Government conference