How to look at a form: Boye and Company

Is page 1 the form? It was an honour to be invited back for my second Boye and Company conference call. Previously, I talked about better surveys.

This time, we focused on my favourite topic – forms that work.  We looked at a selection of pages from a typical form, this time for paying for a parking ticket,  and the three ways in which a form is a good form:

  • easy to read and use
  • easy to understand and answer, and
  • easy to get it done and move on.

Janus has helpfully written up his notes and highlights from the call, together with the links I shared and a full recording of the session: How to look at a form: blogpost by Janus Boye.

You can view the slides from my session below, or download the slides: How to look at a form Boye 22 (.pdf)