Effortmark posters

My collaboration with award-winning illustrator Julia Allum began in 2019 when I wanted a poster to celebrate World Usability Day. Since then, we have created a series of posters on a range of themes. Julia generously agreed to make the posters available with a creative commons license – so they are free to download from this website.

If you’d prefer someone to print your poster for you, then visit Julia’s shop for A3 or A4 versions.She also offers beautiful Giclée fine art prints.

Rest it and test it

Create something - rest it - wait overnight - test it - now it's better

Research needs space to breathe

Research needs space to breathe. An open book, with scattered dandelions ascending from it

Live and live differently

Live and live differently - an Effortmark poster. Two scarlet macaws with yellow heads and blue wings fly from a fractured blue background to a fractured green background


Co-design. A farmer ploughs a field, a bee visits a dandelion, and leaves show that they are working together

Quiet time on my own

Quiet time on my own - as a poster

Listen first, ask second

Listen first, Ask secibd, An Effortmark poster