Thank you to everyone who suggested a lightning talk for the 2023 Service Design in Government conference. As usual I learned a huge amount and enjoyed hearing from all the speakers. We had so many proposals that the organisers managedContinue reading… Lightning talks at Service Design in Government conference 2023
Tag: service design
What is a service designer? Thoughts from SDinGOV22
“But what IS a service designer?”‘ Clara Greo (@claragt) provided the inspiration for my session at the 2022 Service Design in Government conference (#SDinGov). Clara is an expert service designer herself, and teaches service designers. So if she felt aContinue reading… What is a service designer? Thoughts from SDinGOV22
Helping teenage boys to become responsible adults – SDinGOV22
At the Service Design in Government conference in September 2022, Bukola Jolugbo (Kiki) and I talked about some aspects of life today for teenage boys in the UK, focusing on the experience of Black teenagers. Many of us know littleContinue reading… Helping teenage boys to become responsible adults – SDinGOV22
Thought for the day by Tim Paul: a diagram about forms
On 5th August 2021, Tim Paul (head of interaction design at the UK Government Digital Service) posted a thought for the day on Twitter with a diagram that resonated with a lot of people, including me, so Tim agreed thatContinue reading… Thought for the day by Tim Paul: a diagram about forms
Inwards and outwards research: choosing your research methods according to the service lifecycle
Is your user research looking inwards, at how your service works, or outwards, at the lives of those it affects? The right research in the right direction at the right time can truly add value – but there’s usually noContinue reading… Inwards and outwards research: choosing your research methods according to the service lifecycle
Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
This forms workshop was my first opportunity to contribute to ConCon – a conference for content designers from across government. The differing perspectives of content designers working on GOV.UK and those working within services generated lively discussion during my forms workshop and throughout the conference.Continue reading… Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
Discussion: Design for Everyone – at the Service Design in Government conference
How do we make our services available to everyone who needs to use them? A group of us at the Service Design in Government 2014 conference came together in a Goldfish Bowl group to talk about our personal and design challenges.Continue reading… Discussion: Design for Everyone – at the Service Design in Government conference
Effortmark: better forms and surveys for 20 years
Is it really 20 years since I set up Effortmark? 1994 seems both a long time ago, and very recent. Some things have changed: these days, we talk about ‘design thinking’, ‘service design’, ‘user experience’. Then, it was ‘customer focus’,Continue reading… Effortmark: better forms and surveys for 20 years