I’ve always really enjoyed reading the ‘UX Insider’ interviews conducted by Damian Rees of experienceux. The one with Tara Land about her work at GDS is a particular favourite. So I felt very honoured when Damian contacted me to allow me toContinue reading… Forms, surveys and the need to be brave: UX Insider interview
Tag: designing for usability
Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
This forms workshop was my first opportunity to contribute to ConCon – a conference for content designers from across government. The differing perspectives of content designers working on GOV.UK and those working within services generated lively discussion during my forms workshop and throughout the conference.Continue reading… Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
New book published: Forms that Work
Publication day for the book that brings together much of what Gerry Gaffney and I have learned about creating better forms over more than a decade of practice, consultancy, teaching and research. Here is what the publishers Morgan Kaufmann haveContinue reading… New book published: Forms that Work
Four ways to lose an order (and one way to get one)
A week before Christmas I was shopping online, as usual, but this time with some relatively clear requirements rather than purely as a displacement activity from the important business of writing a report. These were the requirements: delivery before ChristmasContinue reading… Four ways to lose an order (and one way to get one)