Organisations have sometimes been surprised and disappointed when they re-engineer a forms-based data capture process but fail to achieve their anticipated savings. This paper, presented to CIMTECH 1999 and 2000, explains: how capture costs are built up from data entryContinue reading… Understanding the costs of data capture: paper, automatic and with the internet
Category: All
Market research or usability evaluation?
I am a usability consultant and I believe, and find in practice, that usability evaluation is the best way to find out whether a document works for its users. However, I have frequently been in a position where my clientsContinue reading… Market research or usability evaluation?
‘How to’ manual on forms design: guidelines on font size
This paper presents some of the conflicting advice offered to designers on one particular topic in accessibility: the choice of font size for visually impaired people. This creates practical difficulties for designers when trying to apply the advice. It wasContinue reading… ‘How to’ manual on forms design: guidelines on font size
Case study: Improving a paper form for the Open University
A large proportion of the costs of dealing with forms comes from sorting out the mistakes that people make when they fill in the form. Back in 1999, I worked with the Open University on their paper Registration Agreement and associatedContinue reading… Case study: Improving a paper form for the Open University
Changing places: the challenges of boundaries and scalability in the workplace
“Changing Places” was a workshop at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London in 1999. Our focus was exploring some of the challenges and successes of online collaboration tools in the workplace – at that time, best known under the acronymContinue reading… Changing places: the challenges of boundaries and scalability in the workplace